The line-up at the Martin Luther King Day Parade in Belle Glade. 2016
Two baby alligators that were captured by a local Pahokee resident to be sold.
"Robo", a local Belle Glade resident outside of his job where he works as a store clerk.
Ms. Burke, a 98 year old resident of the first settlement in the Glades, Lake Harbor.
A remodeled rooming house apartment. The branches of the trees were cut every time there was a shooting to provide more visibility. This apartment complex was a gathering spot for several older Haitian residents.
Loretta moved to Belle Glade for her retirement. Originally from Georgia, she moved to be closer to her siblings that moved decades ago for farmwork.
Bailey's grandchildren hanging at the loading ramp. This day was Bailey's 50th birthday party.
Angie at a New Years Eve party in Pahokee.
A parade during the annual Martin Luther Kings Day Parade in Belle Glade. The building in the background has been around since the twenties: Harlem Renaissance author Zora Neale Hurston lived in it when she was researching for her famous novel "Their Eyes are Watching God" which took place in Belle Glade.
A crop duster sprays pesticides over corn fields.
A man offers corn for sale at a bar in downtown Belle Glade.
Two men that work at a convenience store in downtown Belle Glade.
After T.I., a local resident that oversaw a laundry mat in downtown Belle Glade, passed away, this makeshift memorial was placed on the doors of the laundry mat to commemorate him.
Trophies that were won from domino tournaments displayed at a local Jamaican restaurant and bar in Belle Glade.
Cotton candy that was given out during a non-profit health event in Pahokee.
Dolly and Homer Hand of Belle Glade.
Inside of a club in downtown Belle Glade ran by Traina, who's originally from Jamaica and stayed in the area after the mechanization of sugarcane harvesting.
At Steve's, the mechanic, shop in Belle Glade. His daughters help him work on cars and his granddaughter spends the day with them.
A sugarcane fire during harvest in Belle Glade.
A man prepares some land for farming outside of his house.
A frame house that remains from the 40s houses Haitian farmworkers.
During a domino tournament at a club in downtown Belle Glade.
A family gathering post-funeral in Pahokee.
A man gets a haircut outside of his apartment in downtown Belle Glade.
Linford originally arrived under a work visa from Jamaica to harvest sugarcane in the 80's and remained after mechanization.
A man grabs corn from a bus that was collected by workers during a day of corn picking.
A local farmer cooks and gives away corn during an event for local politicians.
Pookie, my neighbor, on MLK blvd on her way to grab her morning coffee.
Lucile Salvatore in her house where 5 generations of her family have lived in Pahokee. She was only three years old when she survived the Storm of 1928 which killed 3,000 people.
Slim dances during a weekly domino tournament at a club in downtown Belle Glade
During a party at a club in downtown Belle Glade. Uncle Bill, pictured in the center, was notorious for being an excellent pool player.
A scene in downtown Belle Glade.
Angie's son plays on the porch of the motel they lived in for some months.
Farmworkers at 5am on their way to load the buses that transport them to the fields in Clewsiton.
Half of a cake for a twin sister.
A men enjoys his soup at a Jamaican restaurant in downtown Belle Glade.
Angie's daughter shows me all the awards she received in third grade.
During a New Years Eve party in Pahokee.
Redsients in Canal Point.
Uncle Bill in his coffin before his funeral.